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Report from GDC

GDC 2015 is now in the history books. It was a great event and I saw many old friends and made some new ones.

This year, I participated in the Diversity Advocacy Workshop, a two hour event where we first held a panel discussion on various ways to promote diversity within your company and the industry in general, then we broke into smaller groups and had some time to chat with the attendees.

In preparation for my talk, I made up some short flyers that listed a sample of some of the references I have used in my talks about diversity and its value to the industry. During this time, I realized that really, what I need to do is to put this information up where people can find it.

SO…. to that, I just wanted to let everyone know I am working on building that list and hope to have it online before the end of the month.. so, I guess this is a “WATCH THIS SPACE” announcement. Thanks!

Published inRandom Musings